
Coogee Beach

Coogee beach

I went to Coogee Beach for relaxing with my Korean friends last weekend.
They are so kindness and easygoing, we met each other in our vegetable factory.
They are a big relational family, they live together, work together and enjoy their life in Australia.

上週末我跟一群韓國朋友到Coogee Beach烤肉兼玩水,放鬆一下工作心情。

Last Friday after our working, they invited me to join their family BBQ party in Coogee beach and if I want to go, they can come to Perth city to give me a lift. That’s so tender for me!

上週五下班之後,他們邀請我一起去Coogee beach參與他們的家族BBQ Party,而且說如果我想去的話,他們可以來Perth City載我,人會不會太好了一點…

Saturday afternoon, they came to perth city to pick us up, there are 6 people in a car!
It’s a little bit crowded and terrible ‘cause Seven( the driver) drank the beer when he was driving!! It’s very dangerous….I don’t want to die…haha…I’m just kidding, but please don’t do it again.

星期六下午他們開車來Perth city 接我,結果竟然一台2000cc的車載了6個人,不會太擠了一點嗎? 誇張的是開車的Seven在買了啤酒之後,還給我邊開邊喝!

Coogee beach is near to Fremantle, but I didn’t know the exactly location. This is the third beach I had came in west Australia, it’s a little bit small and quiet, not so many people came here.

Coogee Beach是我在西澳去過的第三個海灘,位於Fremantle附近,但我不記得確實的位置,海岸線不大,去的人也不多,是一個相當安靜的海灘。

BBQ is just starting!
Boys are in charged of roasting foods…So…What did the girl do?
Haha..nothing….just waiting for eating…


Happy eating time~

I like koren chili sauce~ it's good!
The party is starting!…Come over here and have a chow time~


Father and daughter's deep love
After we were repleted with yummy food, it’s time to go swimming…


The sea front in Coogee Beach isn’t deep so we can swim and play bodyboard without worrying dangerous.

Coogee beach的海水不深,在這裡玩水跟bodyboard都還蠻安全的!

Hey Seven, that girl is your girlfriend!
The girl lay on the beach and was covered with plenty of sands is Yulica(由里香?), she is a Japanese and she is Seven’s girlfriend( the boy who stepped on her)

被埋在沙子裡的是Yulica,她是日本人哦! 是Seven的女朋友,Seven你很過份耶..
那明明就是你女朋友…日韓情結很深哦!!哈哈哈…開玩笑的啦! 這句我是絕對不會翻譯的!

Look what this family did!
Look what this family did!


you know..the sand is so heavy when it cover in your body!
It’s my turn…


Joe's family, so sweet
Joe’s family, Joe, Sunny who’s Joe’s wife and Honey( Joe’s 2 years old daughter)
They are my Korean friends in Australia, we met in Pacco vegetable factory.
Did you believe that Joe is already 30? What a baby face he has! When he told me he is married and has a 2 years old daughter, I just thought: It’s incredible!


Roy and Bora, they love each other very much...
Roy and Bora, they love each other very much…


I like this pics very much, 'cause I like the loving and sweet aura...
Roy told me that he will marry Bora during these 2 years….Wa…
If you get married in Australia and I’m still here, please don’t forget invite me to join your wedding ceremony, but if it is in Korea…a little bit far for me!


This is a funning game...
This fighting game is very funning but dangerous! Especially when you fell down! It’s really really painful!


Korean body pyramid~
The pyramid of Korean


Honey likes Mikey very much because he is very handsome?
Honey likes Mikey very much! We said that she is Mikey’s little girl friend…
But Joe sniffed and explained that’s because Mikey has white skin and little girl always likes the boy with white skin…Is it true? I don’t know…It doesn’t matter….

Honey很喜歡Mikey,我們都笑說她是Mikey的小女友..可是Joe很不屑的說..那是因為Mikey的皮膚白,剛好小女生都愛皮膚白的男生。真的嗎? 我也不知道..反正沒關係囉…

It's dinner time~ The chef is Bora..It's really yummy korean food~

After going to Coogee Beach, we went to their sweet house to have a dinner. The cook is Bora, she made two kinds of Korean foods for us, the foods were very very delicious and yummy! Although Bora said that there were not so plentiful, but it’s enough for me!

去完Coogee Beach後,我們去了他們家吃晚餐。晚餐的主廚是Bora,她做了2道韓國料理給我們,真的非常非常的好吃!雖然Bora一直說沒有什麼菜,很不豐盛,但對我來說已經很足夠了!

Thanks for your inviting, my Korean friends, it’s a wonderful day for me! It’s my turn to cook some Taiwanese foods for you next time~


More photos of Coogee Beach, Please click me

更多Coogee Beach的照片,請按我

4 則留言:

  1. 妳曬黑了哦!!

  2. 真的超好玩的!
    It's really fun!

  3. To 愛密力,

  4. To 小丸,


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