
發現西南澳!Discover the South-Western! (Part 3)


★3/27 Day 6 (Kalgoorlie to Hyden)
悠閒地用過早餐後,這天一早的行程是去參觀皇家飛行醫生基地(Royal Flying Doctor Base)。
This morning we would have a guide tour of the Royal Flying Doctor Base after breakfast time.

The Royal Flying Doctor Base is a private emergent rescue service that relies on donation; there are more than 10 service points around Australia. Except the rescue members, every rescue task can only carry one patient. (It’s really precious…)


下午隨性地在Kalgoorlie的市區走走,參觀了金礦區博物館,博物館門口高達31公尺的Ivanhoe井架算是很知名的地標,之後傍晚時分我們就抵達了Hyden,也就是最知名的波浪岩(Wave Rock)的所在地。
We spent the whole afternoon to have sightseeing in the center of Kalgoorlie; we visited the museum of the goldfields, there is a 31 meters high derrick- Ivanhoe in front of the entrance of the museum. Afterward in the dusk we arrived Hyden- the most famous view-Wave Rock is located in.

抵達波浪岩之前,我們先去參觀了附近一個很著名的洞穴-Mulka’s Cave,裡面有一個原住民的傳說,相傳很久以前有一對戀人因為禁忌地相愛被分開,而他們生下來的小孩Mulka就被部落給放逐而躲在這個洞穴裡,後來Mulka長成一個巨人,就開始捕捉部落的小孩然後殺來吃,而他每殺一個小孩,就會在岩石裡蓋上一個血手印…
Before arriving Wave Rock, we went to have a look the famous “Mulka’s Cave with a aboriginal myth...
Long time ago there was a couple banned to marry and forced to separate forever, and therefore their kid-Mulka was banished from tribes to hide into the cave. When Mulka grew up to be a giant, he began to catch and eat the tribal children; he killed a child every time, he imprinted the cave with his bleeding hands…

★3/28 Final day (Hyden back to Perth)


‘Cause our cabin is just near Wave Rock 5 minutes by driving and we already viewed the sunset there last evening, we could enjoy more our leisure in the last morning.

在Wave Rock這裡大家都一定會很蠢地擺出衝浪的姿勢拍照,沒辦法,它就叫波浪岩啊!不衝一下怎麼對得起自己?
Everyone came here just wanted to take a photo with a stupid surfing pose, because it’s Wave Rock!

爬到Wave Rock的上頭,除了能看到另一種自然蝕刻的地層風貌,還能遠眺那漸漸乾涸的美麗白色鹽湖。
Climbing top on the Wave Rock, you can see the layer with natural etching and overlook the picturesque white salt lake drying up.

On the way back to Perth, we took a short break in a historical town-York outside the Perth city. It’s just like the time frozen at this moment temporally and the breeze never blew over; the clock had stopped in the last century and folks had never lived here.

It’s so quickly my 7 days tour had finished; the advantage to join the budget tour is you don’t have to drive by yourself and you don’t have to worry about the meals, although you almost live in a doom of backpackers or YHA, you can learn how to get along with those guys came from different cultures and different countries; I could tell you: it’s a definite interesting experience.



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