
發現西南澳!Discover the South-Western! (Part 2)

★3/24 Day 3 (Albany to Esperance)

第三天的的行程就顯得無聊許多,大部分的時間都是在趕路,從阿爾巴尼(Albany)一路往東北方向沿著South Coast Hwy開到艾斯佩蘭斯(Esperance)。
一大早天氣就陰陰的,不時還飄著毛毛細雨。 我們唯一的導遊兼司機兼廚師Tanya開著車帶著我們到達克拉倫斯山(Mt Clarence)的頂端,在寒風細雨中一邊眺望阿爾巴尼城鎮的景色,一邊講解沙漠登陸軍團紀念碑(Desert Mounted Corps Memorial)的故事。

It’s more boring in the third day ‘cause we almost hurried on our way along the South Coast Hwy from Albany to Esperance. It’s cloudy and there’s dribble occasionally in this morning. Tanya, who’s our only guide, driver and cook, drove us towards the top of Mt Clarence to overlook the whole views of Albany then told us the story about Desert Mounted Corps Memorial in the rain.


之後Tanya繼續帶我們到普朗戈洛普國家公園(Porongurup National Park)來一趟叢林健行,不過不爭氣的我只走到一半,連終點景觀Castle Rock都沒看到就無功而返了,因為蒼蠅實在太多了!!!
Afterward Tanya led us to have a jog in the Porongurup National Park, but I didn’t reach the terminal-Castle Rock due to I couldn’t take anymore bothering flies.


Although we had stopped for many view points after, I had nearly forgot everything just because it’s too cold to make me drowsy and stay in the bus all the time.

After we had our lunch in the winery, It’s time to say goodbye to our partners who only joined 3 days tour; there are only five people left and towards next stop-Esperance.

★3/25 Day 4 (Esperance)

一大早我們用完早餐後,就準備前往Esperance的週邊去探索壯觀的大角國家公園(Cape Le Grand National Park)。
Esperance is a charming township; there are bluish green seas and pure white sandy beach here. After finishing our breakfast this morning, we headed to explore the spectacular Cape Le Grand National Park around the Esperance.


Frenchman’s Peak(法國男人的山峰? 名字很白爛耶)坐落於大角國家公園內,高度約240公尺,陡峭的山壁讓我在攀爬時一直覺得自己快廢了,但當我登上最高點時,那令人窒息的壯麗風景,還有在遠處腳下變的細小的道路,讓這一切都是值得的。
Frenchman’s Peak( What a clownish name is!) is a steep hill and about a height of 240 meters located in Cape Le Grand National Park; I felt I was so weak and exhausted while I climbed it, but everything I did was deserved when I reached the top to overlook the startling and majestic scenery.


爬完了Frenchman’s Peak,在幸運灣(Lucky Bay)旁的小涼亭裡享受自助式的三明治午餐,不可思議的是袋鼠偶爾還會從旁邊的樹林裡跳出來跟你打招呼。
Afterward we enjoyed our buffet lunch in a pavilion near Lucky Bay, and it’s unbelievable that sometimes kangaroos jumped out from the timber nearby to greet us.

Lucky Bay擁有奇妙的白色沙灘,沙灘上的白色沙礫又綿又細,跟一般沙灘的沙不同。我們在這裡曬曬太陽游游泳,就這樣悠閒的渡過美好的下午時光。
The white sandy beach in Lucky Bay is fantastic, different with the common sandy beach; the sand here is soft and tiny. We just relaxed ourselves to bask in the sun and swim here in the leisurely afternoon.

★3/26 Day 5 (Esperance to Kalgoorlie)

又是一個早起的早晨,這天我們有一趟很長的趕路行程,從艾斯佩蘭斯到卡古里(Kalgoorlie )-這個曾經是西澳史上繁華無比的淘金小鎮。
Another early rose this morning as we had a long drive through to Kalgoorlie- the historic Goldfields region of Western Australia.

比起在南邊的Esperance,在西澳中部內陸的Kalgoorlie顯得溫暖熱情太多,這個小鎮的中心生活機能一應俱全,簡直可比shopping mall,也因為它輝煌的淘金歷史,我們到達Kalgoorlie後的活動就是探訪礦區名人堂(Mining Hall of Fame)及至今仍在運作的超級礦區(super pit)-世界最大的採礦區之一哦!
Compared with Esperance in the south, Kalgoorlie that’s located in the middle is warmer. The center of Kalgoorlie is just like a shopping mall and plenty to live. When we arrived Kalgoorlie we then spent the whole afternoon at Mining Hall of Fame and the Super pit- one of the largest open cut mines in the world.



Mining Hall of Fame is a museum which exhibited the history of Goldfields of Western Australia. Here I had a chance to experience how to pour gold and try my hand at gold panning in an opening panning area, but I couldn’t pan anything even I tried so hard. (of course I can’t pan any gold here!)


I also descend down into the tunnels and explore an underground gold mine which’s 36 meters deep, but I was a little bit nervous and felt difficult to breathe.
When the guide was so professional to tell us the historic evolution of Goldfields, the only thing I wanted to do was to flee here and back to the surface of the earth.


Super pit 目前仍然在進行開採中,是一個名副其實的超級大大大礦區。礦區看起來就像被大隕石撞擊而出的超級大洞,龐大的砂石車待在礦區底部時看起來就像瓢蟲那麼大而已。
Super pit is a really super big mine and still mining now, It looks like a huge hole that’s crashed by a large aerolite, and the huge track also looks like a ladybug when it drove deep to the bottom of Super pit.


We lived in the center of Kalgoorlie this night and Tanya suggested us to have a beer in a bar nearby after having dinner; she said that something may surprise us.

When walked to the bar we saw the special appearance on our way, there are many ladies sat and read in every particular door aside the road; I couldn’t image that I would meet the special services in Kalgoorlie. Any man interested in that service only needs to pick one he liked and close the door.

But this isn’t the surprise that Tanya had said, the surprise is when we entered the bar, every waitress was naked to service you. Our travel partner-the 19 years old Japanese boy was dumbstruck because this is first unforgettable experience for him. In Japan, he isn’t allowed to enter the strip club if he is under 20.

I thought someone may say: Show me the evidence! But who would remember to take picture with the stripped girl in that occasion?




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