Before we had headed towards Adelaide, I joined the 7 days tour of South-Western.
‘Cause it's too long to remember all the things, I just made a brief of my journey.
★3/22 Day 1 (Perth to Augusta)
我參加的tour是Western Xposure 帶的團,我們這一團總共有23個人,但是大部分的人都只參加3天的團,也就是後4天就會只剩幾隻小貓了。
I waked up at 5:50 AM to check every thing is ready this morning, and it's also the time to say goodbye to my accommodation that I had lived for 4 months.
When I arrived the spot it's already 7:00 AM, but the weather's still murky and cloudy..
My tour agent is Western Xposure and there are 23 members in this tour, but most of them only joined for 3 days tour; that means we would separate in the third day.
第一站我們先到Dolphin Discovery Centre,它有一個特別保護的海域,導遊說如果我們夠幸運的話可以看到海豚。等了半個鐘頭就在大夥要離開的時候,有2隻可愛的海豚游到淺灘這裡來跟大家打招呼了。我就站在海裡,而海豚就在距離我不到1公尺的地方游來遊去,這是我第一次這麼靠近海豚,可惜的是沒拍到好照片。
Our first stop is Dolphin Discovery Centre, if we were lucky enough we could say hello to the dolphins face to face. We had waited for half hour and the two dolphins really made their regular trips to the beach. I stood in the beach and the dolphins were swimming near me less than 1 meter, it’s my first time to close to them…
Further south we went to view the historic Busselton Jetty and enjoyed our lunch here.
The most difference between Taiwan’s tour and Aussies’ is that you have to prepare the meals by yourself. Everyone has played a part in cutting cheese blocks, hams, cucumbers, tomatoes and icebergs…, then we just put all the materials on the toasts or wrappers with miscellaneous seasonings what you like. ( You know, it’s all the same in the following days.)
用過午餐後我們就到Ngilgi Cave去看地底下的鐘乳石,那景色非常壯觀,相機實在是拍不出親眼所見的美。
After having lunch we then headed towards Ngilgi Cave to explore the magnificent stalactites descending underground, it’s really amazing when you saw it personally than by photos.
在還沒去過瑪格麗特河(Margaret River)之前,我一直幻想這裡是一個非常美麗、寧靜、純樸的葡萄酒莊。但你知道,現實跟理想之間總是有著很大的差距。
我們拜訪了Margaret River area,也喝了點奇特口味的啤酒(喂! 不是應該是葡萄酒才對?) 去了一間所謂的巧克力工廠試吃了一點巧克力(跟電影巧克力冒險工廠未免差太多了吧??) 。
In my original imagination, it's a very fascinating, tranquil, secluded wine valley around Margaret River area, but the ideal and the reality are always opposite.
We visited the Margaret River area and had a beer with special flavor there( Maybe you would ask” why isn’t wine but beer?”), then we went to a so-called chocolate factory to test some chocolate samples.(It's totally different with the factory in the movies what you had watched.)
我對Margaret River的憧憬破減之後,我們就到達奧古斯塔(Augusta)我們要住的地方。
I thought I wouldn't long for Margaret River anymore, then we kept heading to our overnight accommodation in Augusta.
It's BBQ for dinner this night.
★3/23 Day 2 (Augusta to Albany)
This morning we explored the magical forests of the South West and took a forest bath. Firstly we visited the Bicentennial Tree, and if you didn't terrify the heights you can climb it. I just climbed to the middle heights ‘cause it't already high enough.
When I climbed the tree I wasn't afraid or felt nervous, but I got serious muscular pains in the following day.
They stayed on the ground and raised their head to watch the people who are climbing the tree.
之後就到達巨人谷(Valley of the Giants)去走最有名的”漫步在樹端”(Tree Top Walk)。
這一整段路大概有600公尺長,高度最高有40公尺,讓你走在一整片Tingle trees樹冠組成的天棚裡,不同於以往只能在平地抬頭往上看,在樹頂你看到的是另一番極其壯麗的景色。
Then we arrived Valley of the Giants to go along the most famous “ Tree Top Walk”.
It's 600 meters length, 40 meters above the ground, when I walked through the canopy of the Tingle Forest, I discovered a extremely spectacular view.
沿著海岸線繼續往南走,下午我們最後一個行程是去觀看很有名的自然景觀-the Blow Holes, Natural Bridge 還有The Gap。這裡的景色非常令人嘆為觀止,而它的壯觀跟危險度也是成正比的,就在我們到達的前一天,才有一個加拿大22歲的男生從這裡摔下去被浪捲走。
Traveled along the coasts towards south, we finished the day by checking out the awesome Natural Phenomena- the Blow Holes, Natural Bridge and The Gap.
They were startling and magnificent! And the magnificence of them are proportioned to dangers, a 22 years old Canadian had fallen down the Gap and grabbed by waves quickly just in the day before we arrived here.
The Gap
Natural Bridge
I also saw the rare view here- the sunshine passed through the heavy clouds just like the miracle in the movies; even we have many difficulties in our life, they'll work out some day.
發現西南澳!Discover the South-Western! (Part 2)
發現西南澳!Discover the South-Western! (Part 3)
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對啊..其實我還蠻愛這樣子的, 可以隨性自己搭配自己的口味..起司無限加..哇哈哈